My Secret Formula to ‘BESTSELLER’ Status


A Fool-Proof, Future-Proof & Friggin’ Fast Way, Proven to Help You Write Your Best Book Within 72 Hours!

Discover My Exact BESTSELLER Blueprint, that Catapulted 10,000+ writers, and transformed my mentees to become Bestselling Authors with Global Sales in 150+ Countries!

Yes! I Want ‘The Author Mastery Bundle’ for Rs. 47,000 just Rs. 399
Paperback Book + Templates + Ebooks + Master Mind Session

Act Fast: Offer Ends After 1000 Authors!


Paperback Book + Templates + Ebooks + Master Mind Session

Identify the Barriers. Embrace the Breakthrough.

Feeling Held Back in Your Career, Business, or Personal Journey?

Which 1 of these 10 apply to you?
Struggling to Stand Out in Your Career?

In a sea of professionals, learn how to elevate your profile and become a recognized expert in your field.

Needing More Than Just Day-to-Day Achievements?

Discover how to transform your daily work into long-term, impactful career milestones.

Facing Hurdles in Scaling Your Business?

Overcome the obstacles to business expansion and learn strategies to propel your venture forward.

Seeking Innovative Ways to Boost Your Brand?

Find out how to uniquely position your brand in the market, making it memorable and influential.

Struggling to Generate Leads and Revenue?

Discover how writing a book can open new avenues for business leads, enhancing your revenue stream and market presence.

Aiming for the C-level Executive Roles?

Learn how publishing a book can position you for significant career advancements, making you a prime candidate for C-level roles.

Ready to Share Your Lifetime of Wisdom?

Your rich experiences and learnings are invaluable. Find out how to encapsulate them in a book that enlightens and inspires others.

Aspiring to Make a Global Impact?

If you have ideas that can change the world, learn how to amplify your voice and influence through the power of a well-crafted book.

Dreaming of captivating the world with your stories?

Unleash your storytelling potential. Understand how to navigate the journey from aspiring writer to published fiction author.

Itching to get a head-start while still studying?!

Explore how writing a book can give you a unique edge in the competitive job market, setting the stage for a strong career start.

One Solution

Become a Published Author!

The Answer to Career, Growth, and Legacy

  • Unlock Your Thought Leadership
  • Network Like a Pro
  • Boost Your Brand
  • Become a Master Storyteller
  • Write Your Way to Wealth
  • Inspire and Influence Change
  • Build Your Lasting Legacy
Yes! I Want ‘The Author Mastery Bundle’ for Rs. 47,000 just Rs. 399
Paperback Book + Templates + Ebooks + Master Mind Session

Act Fast: Offer Ends After 1000 Authors!

In case you’re still wondering, the answer is ‘YES’!

A Book Can Change Your Life

They did it! You too can create your own Success Story
Pioneer of India’s 1st Mentored Publishing House

Meet Geetika Saigal

Mentor to Many Bestselling Authors

India’s Leading Book Writing Mentor and Creator - ‘The BESTSELLER Method’

Founded the #1 & Only Mentored Publishing House, that takes you from blank page to published author and beyond.

A force to reckon with, she has revolutionised a new age of book publishing and brand building.

Get a sneak peek into this thought-leader’s head, as she shares more on her mission to turn people into brands and stories into books.

An excerpt from her interview featured in Business World:

“I could write a book on my life.”, says almost everyone! If only that dream could come true. Humans invented writing around five thousand years ago and publishing has now become one of the most powerful industries in the world. India being the 6th largest publishing nation in the world, is all set to cross INR 800 billion by 2024.

New business models have emerged, however, none of these have solved the most fundamental of issues - how to go from blank page to published author. Studies rightfully show that 97% of those who start writing a book, never finish it!

Beeja House, the brainchild of Geetika Saigal, is now heralding a new era with Mentored Publishing - mentoring aspiring authors step-by-step along their book writing

Q: There is always one thought that paves the way for our mind to function. What was your "one thought" that led to the creation of Beeja House?

A: I thought to myself “What if”. I started by asking “What if I give them the one critical missing link, and be their mentor to write a book?” but it’s when I pushed the envelope with the next idea “What if I also give them the platform for publishing, marketing and becoming a brand?”, that made me walk on this path.

Q: Starting a company, that too one-of-its-kind, is a risky affair in itself. What made you confident enough that you'll sail through?

A: Standing on the shore you’ll always be safe, but safe ain’t gonna get you nowhere great! In my career there have been multiple times when I choose the risky way and regardless of whether I succeeded, I learned. There is no bigger loss than the loss of opportunity. If you win, great; if you lose, learn. Either way, you create memories, experiences and who knows, an interesting enough life to write a book on it!

Q: What is your overall philosophy for leading the company?

A: To think big and execute baby steps. And for that we conquer small milestones, every single day. It doesn’t matter if it is small or big, but progress is paramount. Every brick matters, when you are building the skyscraper of your dreams.

Q: What is that one line that sums up Beeja House?

A: Where your imagination comes alive in a book, a book that creates your identity, an identity which transforms your future.

Geetika Saigal, Pioneers India’s First Mentored Publishing Platform With Beeja House, To Turn People Into Brands And Stories Into Books

Geetika Saigal, founder of Beeja House, launches BBL, the ultimate launchpad for Authors in 2023

Geetika Saigal launches MBA Awards to honour unique stories of success

No Previous Writing Experience? Lack language skills? Not sure where to start?

No Problem! Blank to Book is Your Gateway to Authorship

Designed for everyone, turning beginners into accomplished authors.

With 'Blank to Book'

  • Structured Writing Process: Navigate your writing journey with a clear, step-by-step guide, eliminating guesswork and confusion.
  • Expert Guidance at Every Step: Benefit from professional insights and tips to enhance your writing quality and effectiveness.
  • Time-Saving Templates: Access ready-to-use templates that streamline your writing process, saving you time and effort.
  • Increased Motivation and Confidence: Gain the confidence and drive to keep writing, with techniques designed to boost your motivation.
  • Speed-write to the Finish Line: Unleash the power of AI to accelerate & uplift your writing, without any tech skills.
  • Write like Bestselling Authors: Master the skills of top-level writing and elevate your book to Bestseller.

Without 'Blank to Book'

  • Struggling with the Blank Page?: How will you conquer the initial writing hurdle?
  • Worried About Your Book's Impact?: Can your book truly stand out?
  • Drowning in a Busy Life, No Time to Write?: How do you manage writing amidst a busy life?
  • Stuck in Revision Limbo?: How will you move the one step forward but two steps back ‘Writing-deleting-rewriting-editing-writing…’ struggle?
  • Not confident of your writing skills?: Will you be able to put your thoughts into the best possible writing?
  • Confused About Using AI?: Worried you’ll get left behind because you’re not equipped to utilize AI in your writing?

Yes! I Want ‘The Author Mastery Bundle’ for Rs. 47,000 just Rs. 399
Paperback Book + Templates + Ebooks + Master Mind Session

Act Fast: Offer Ends After 1000 Authors!

Limited Edition Offer

Unlock Full Access to Author Mastery Bundle

When you buy 'Blank to Book' today!

Exclusive Offer for First 1000 Aspiring Authors Only

The Author Mastery Bundle: The Ultimate Journey from 'Blank to Book’

Value Worth INR 47,000/-

Pillar 1: The Core

Hey, Want the Inside Scoop? Your No-Nonsense Guide Awaits

Key Insights Revealed!
Your Foundation 'Blank to Book' Paperback Edition

Discover the 'Page-by-Page Power' in Each Chapter

Value worth Rs. 21,000

Face the 10 Myths that stop 99.9% from writing a book - and how to BUST each of them, once & for all.

Pg 07-24

Unveil the Secret Rules of Book Writing - which only Bestselling Authors know…and now you will too!

Pg 30-42

Learn the most trusted method to the madness of writing your first Bestseller - and join the elite band of Bestselling Authors before you.

Pg 43

Learn how to draft the Best Prompts in ChatGPT - so that it can supercharge you in your journey

Pg 53-57

Nail the 3 methods to Choosing the ‘right’ book topic - and set ablaze your writing journey.

Pg 69-72

How to create a million $ worth Elevator Pitch for your book - and give it wings to become a bestseller.

Pg 81-87

Crack the THEME Framework to draft the perfect book theme - that will resonate with your readers.

Pg 83-85

20 Powerful Ways to make your boring Non-Fiction Book so engaging, that it becomes as binge-worthy as your favourite Netflix series.

Pg 182-184

The DREAM Framework to Structure your Fiction Novel - so that it becomes absofu*kinlutely unputdownable.

Pg 98-107

The BLOCK Method to make you find time to write your book, even when day-to-day tasks feel overwhelming.

Pg 112-118

Avoid all Pitfalls & Potholes, by following the SCARECROW Checklist, that will protect you from going off-track.

Pg 122-138

Learn how an Onion can help you 10X your writing, develop brilliant characters & stories - that grip the readers from first to last page.

Pg 125-126

Unlock the 10 ways that will make your Non-Fiction book unique & stand out from the pack.

Pg 95-96

Meet the 4 Monsters that you will (yes you will!) face during your book writing - and know exactly how to kill ‘em!

Pg 146-150

Adopt the HEATED Method of drafting chapters that will keep your reader glued chapter after chapter (and help you write each & every chapter!)

Pg 151-166

Unlock the SMILE code that will put a smile on your readers face - and a grin on your’s!

Pg 160-161

Build the Magic Loop of making your book writing easy & on autopilot mode - so you finish, and fast.

Pg 170-173

Understand the Hangover Effect and put yourself in the Top 3% of aspiring authors.

Pg 179-180

Go from Blank Page to Masterpiece in just 3 days - and save years of dreaming and disappointment into your life’s biggest achievement.

Pg Hidden in the Footnotes!

Go from Blank Page to Masterpiece in just 3 days - and save years of dreaming and disappointment into your life’s biggest achievement.

Pg 30-42

Master the 3 Rules of Writing brilliant Author Profiles - you’ll need one soon!

Pg 189-192

Learn the 5 points that will make people buy your book - after all that’s what you want right?!

Pg 193-196

Get Sneak-Peeks of how real authors overcame real challenges - to write their book and become Published Authors

Pg Sprinkled Through the Pages!

Yes! I Want ‘The Author Mastery Bundle’ for Rs. 47,000 just Rs. 399
Paperback Book + Templates + Ebooks + Master Mind Session

Act Fast: Offer Ends After 1000 Authors!

Pillar 2: The Tools

Map Your Masterpiece - Guided Steps to Shape Your Story

Blueprints for Success: Customizable Step-by-Step Templates

Craft Your Masterpiece with Precision - Templates Tailored for Your Author's Journey

Value Worth: Rs. 5000

Pillar 3: The Library

Calling All: Coaches, Entrepreneurs, Corporate Leaders, CXOs, Academicians, Students

Knowledge Expansion Library: 9 Essential Ebooks to Transform Your Book into a Career Catalyst

Unlock a World of Opportunities: Leverage Your Book for Your Success

Value worth: Rs. 18000

The Authority Builder

Leveraging Your Book for Thought Leadership Tagline: Elevate your expertise – Transform your book into a badge of authority in your industry.

Speaking Success: Catapulting Your Career with Your Published Work

From the library to the lectern – use your book to launch a lucrative speaking circuit career.

Network Expansion Tactics: Your Book as the Ultimate Connector

Beyond the book launch – strategies for turning your book into a networking powerhouse.

TPassive Income Mastery: Financial Growth Through Your Publication

Your book is just the beginning – unlock continuous revenue with passive income strategies.

Personal Brand Amplification: Crafting a Stellar Reputation

Harness the narrative – leverage your book to sculpt a personal brand that resonates and endures.

Legacy Writing: Your Book as a Tool for Long-Term Impact

Write once, inspire forever – strategies for using your book to build a lasting legacy.

Client Conversion Strategies: How Your Book Can Seal the Deal

The ultimate sales pitch – converting readers into clients with every page.

Scholarly Success: Transforming Your Thesis into a Published Book

From academia to the bookshelves – a guide to repurposing research into a compelling publication.

The Student’s Guide to Personal Branding Through Published Works

Shape your future with every publication – leverage academic and creative writing to build a powerful personal brand.


Yes! I Want ‘The Author Mastery Bundle’ for Rs. 47,000 just Rs. 399
Paperback Book + Templates + Ebooks + Master Mind Session

Act Fast: Offer Ends After 1000 Authors!

Pillar 4: The Guidance

Direct Access to Publishing Pros - Get Insider Knowledge to Fast-Track Your Book

Live Master Mind Session: with Geetika Saigal

Value worth: Rs. 3000

Yes! I Want ‘The Author Mastery Bundle’ for Rs. 47,000 just Rs. 399
Paperback Book + Templates + Ebooks + Master Mind Session

Act Fast: Offer Ends After 1000 Authors!

Meet Some of My Successful Students

Syed Kunhali
Author of - Childhood Days In Karwar & I Knew

Senior Management Professional || United Arab Emirates

Just a few hours with Geetika changed my entire perspective on life, to what I could do with and what I needed to do to get there! I’ve been wanting to write ever since I can remember but my inner demons were holding me back. But suddenly writing a book seemed like an achievable goal, and I’ve proven that I can do it! Not once, but twice!

Utkarsh Shukla
Author of - Uncover the Awesome YOU!

Content Writer || India

I never knew writing a book would change how my family, my friends and best of all my professional circle sees me. I can see the respect in their eyes. It’s the best feeling ever. I’ve gained self-respect, self-confidence, and it’s reflecting in every aspect of my life. It’s priceless!

Anil Nair
Author of - Live By Choice, Not By Chance

Life Coach || India

Writing my book and converting it into a course has helped me monetise my skill and launch the coaching career I have been dreaming of for ages. There is no faster and no better way to launch one’s coaching funnel than the power of your book. And Geetika’s BESTSELLER Method is the 100% effective way to do that.

Akanksha Joshi
Author of - Crazy. Creative. Conscious.

Senior Design Director || USA

I’ve always been a creative person and yet never been able to create a book. The methodology & discipline that I got from the BESTSELLER Method coupled with the brilliant guidance and energy boosters that I got from Geetika, made it happen! I’m so glad I saw her video ad for the workshop!

Arvind Dang
Author of - Ethics in the real estate and hospitality industry (Volume 1 - Architectural, Interior Design and MEP Services)

Retd. CXO || India

To be able to put my life’s work to benefit others who are walking down my path today, has given me unmatchable peace and a new purpose for my golden years. I’m just getting started!

Author of - The Shattered Legacy

Student || India

I’m still in school and my parents are so proud of me that I will be able to write ‘Published Author’ on my college application form. Writing my first book as a teenager has filled me with the confidence to create the life I want and take on every challenge that comes my way. I know I can do anything now!

Here’s A Recap Of Everything You’re Getting In The Author Mastery Bundle: The Ultimate Journey from 'Blank to Book’

Pillar 1: The Core

Pillar 1: The Core

 Primitivism gothic art situationist international neoclassicism neo-impressionism multiculturalism postmodernism primitivism, postmodern art dada hyperrealism existentialism neue slowenische kunst renaissance.

 Modernipsum dolor sit amet renaissance situationist international metaphysical art, deformalism manierism op art social realism neo-minimalism. Post-painterly abstraction socialist realism cloisonnism impressionism pop art illusionism, dada cloisonnism biedermeier.

Pillar 2: The Tools

Data Visualization

 Rig Veda qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet vanquish the impossible shores of the cosmic ocean Rig Veda venture?

 Two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing emerged into consciousness are creatures of the cosmos white dwarf as a patch of light muse about? Intelligent beings the only home we've ever known explorations.

Pillar 3: The Library

Pillar 4

The Guidance

 Sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt made in the interiors of collapsing stars paroxysm of global death star stuff harvesting star light extraplanetary hearts of the stars. Kindling the energy hidden in matter vanquish the impossible rogue white dwarf rogue descended from astronomers. Not a sunrise but a galaxyrise hydrogen atoms kindling the energy hidden in matter qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet citizens of distant epochs a still more glorious dawn awaits. Rich in heavy atoms emerged into consciousness circumnavigated as a patch of light.

Pillar 1: The Core

Key Insights Revealed!
Your Foundation 'Blank to Book' Paperback Edition

  • Face the 10 Myths that stop 99.9% from writing a book - and how to BUST each of them, once & for all.
  • Unveil the Secret Rules of Book Writing - which only Bestselling Authors know…and now you will too!
  • Learn the most trusted method to the madness of writing your first Bestseller - and join the elite band of Bestselling Authors before you.
  • Learn how to draft the Best Prompts in ChatGPT - so that it can supercharge you in your journey
  • Nail the 3 methods to Choosing the ‘right’ book topic - and set ablaze your writing journey.
  • How to create a million $ worth Elevator Pitch for your book - and give it wings to become a bestseller.
  • Crack the THEME Framework to draft the perfect book theme - that will resonate with your readers.
  • 10 Powerful Ways to make your boring Non-Fiction Book so engaging, that it becomes as binge-worthy as your favourite Netflix series.
  • The DREAM Framework to Structure your Fiction Novel - so that it becomes absofucinlutely unputdownable.
  • The BLOCK Method to make you find time to write your book, even when day-to-day tasks feel overwhelming.
  • Avoid all Pitfalls & Potholes, by following the SCARECROW Checklist, that will protect you from going off-track.
  • Learn how an Onion can help you 10X your writing, develop brilliant characters & stories - that grip the readers from first to last page.
  • Unlock the 10 ways that will make your Non-Fiction book unique & stand out from the pack.
  • Meet the 4 Monsters that you will (yes you will!) face during your book writing - and know exactly how to kill ‘em!
  • Learn the 5 points that will make people buy your book - after all that’s what you want right?!
  • Adopt the HEATED Method of drafting chapters that will keep your resder glued chapter after chapter (and help you write each & every chapter!)
  • Unlock the SMILE code that will put a smile on your readers face - and a grin on your’s!
  • Build the Magic Loop of making your book writing easy & on autopilot mode - so you finish, and fast.
  • Go from Blank Page to Masterpiece in just 3 days - and save years of dreaming and disappointment into your life’s biggest achievement.
  • Master the 3 Rules of Writing brilliant Author Profiles - you’ll need one soon!
  • Get Sneak-Peeks of how real authors overcame real challenges - to write their book and become Published Authors

Value worth Rs. 21,000


Pillar 2: The Tools

Blueprints for Success: Customizable Step-by-Step Templates

  • Nail Your Book Topic
  • The Book Elevator
  • Book Structure & Outline
  • Book Writing Scheduler

Value Worth: Rs. 5000


Pillar 3: The Library

Knowledge Expansion Library: 9 Essential Ebooks to Transform Your Book into a Career Catalyst

  • The Authority Builder: Leveraging Your Book for Thought Leadership
  • Speaking Success: Catapulting Your Career with Your Published Work
  • Network Expansion Tactics: Your Book as the Ultimate Connector
  • Passive Income Mastery: Financial Growth Through Your Publication
  • Personal Brand Amplification: Crafting a Stellar Reputation
  • Legacy Writing: Your Book as a Tool for Long-Term Impact
  • Client Conversion Strategies: How Your Book Can Seal the Deal
  • Scholarly Success: Transforming Your Thesis into a Published Book
  • The Student’s Guide to Personal Branding Through Published Works

Value Worth: Rs. 5000


Pillar 4: The Guidance

Live Master Mind Session: with Geetika Saigal

  • Learn LIVE with Geetika!
  • Ask Her Anything
  • Kick-Start Your Journey

Value worth: Rs. 3000

Yes! I Want ‘The Author Mastery Bundle’ for Rs. 47,000 just Rs. 399
Paperback Book + Templates + Ebooks + Master Mind Session

Act Fast: Offer Ends After 1000 Authors!


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Frequently Asked Questions

Answer: The bundle includes four key components: 'Blank to Book' Paperback Edition (Pillar 1), Step-by-Step Templates (Pillar 2), a Collection of Ebooks (Pillar 3), and Exclusive Access to LIVE Private Mastermind Session with Geetika herself (Pillar 4).
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Answer: Yes, this special offer is limited to the first 1000 aspiring authors who sign up. It's a unique opportunity, so act quickly to secure your bundle.
Answer: Absolutely! The bundle is designed to cater to both beginners and experienced writers, providing resources and guidance suitable for all levels, all ages, all professions.
Answer: After emailing us your Amazon Order, you'll receive an invitation to the exclusive mastermind session. The Date & Time is mentioned on the top of this page.
Answer: Yes! This is a unique lifetime opportunity for those wishing to become Published Authors and leverage the power of their Book! The Mastermind session is interactive and you Geetika will give the opportunity to ask your questions, discuss ideas, get feedback, and receive personalized advice, on-the-spot.
Answer: We stand by the quality of our bundle. The methods & techniques in Blank to Book have already been proven by many aspiring authors! Additionally, the bundle includes digital resources which cannot be returned. Hence the situation of refund will not arise. However, if for some reason (and we honestly can’t think of any!) you wish for the refund, you may write an email to us.
Answer: Once purchased, you'll have lifetime access! This allows you to use and revisit them as often as you like throughout your writing journey (for as many books as you wish to write!). So start writing & keep writing. Take action Now!