
In 2024, Finally Start Your

‘Profitable’ Coaching Business

by mastering the ONE skill that most marketers keep ignoring…

Learn How to Sell Without Selling, and Add Zeroes to Your Income
Taught by

Geetika Saigal is a Global Business Leader & Million $ Deal Closer turned Author-Speaker-Coach on a mission to empower you to Start & Scale ‘Your Business’ & ‘’Your Brand.


Here’s What You’ll Discover In The  3-Hour Eye-Opener 

Secret 1
#1 Mistake to Avoid as a Coach

Discover the mistake that turns away your leads even before you pitch them your offer and replace it with a super simple 3-step process that helps you sell even before you pitch…

Secret 2
Super Simple Conversion Secrets

Learn the Idiot-Proof Sales System for Non-Sales people, to build you an engaged audience that ‘trusts’ you even if you feel you are not an expert (yet) and gets your prospects lining up to sign you up…

Secret 3
The Art of Profit

Dump the overwhelm of coaches & marketing ‘gurus’, and learn how to turn strangers into cash in the bank, without any false promises or fake show-off techniques…


Are You Stuck with The  Treadmill Effect?

You’re running & running but the business is not going anywhere

If you answered ‘YES’ to any of these questions above, you MUST read on…

The Secret Behind the Success

Ever Wonder How Top Coaches Always Seem to Be in Demand?
Think of the coaches who dominate the headlines - they all share one common trait. It’s not just their expertise or their marketing. It’s their unparalleled ability to sell without selling. They weave their offerings into narratives that resonate, making clients feel understood and seen. This isn’t by chance; it’s by design.

The Art of Selling Without Selling

"But Here’s What They Don’t Tell You..."
This coveted skill that sets top coaches apart? It’s learnable. The industry giants have mastered the delicate balance of authentic communication and strategic selling. They don’t push; they invite. They don’t persuade; they inspire. Imagine unlocking this ability for yourself…

The Missing Link: It’s Not What You’ve Been Told

Forget the Latest Tech and Trendy Processes – The Real Game Changer? Your Ability to Sell Authentically
You've been led to believe that the secret to breaking through the noise lies in mastering the newest technology or the latest marketing gimmick. But here's the truth: the key to transformative success isn't about chasing trends. It's about refining your ability to sell - not through pressure, but through authentic connection. The art of selling without selling is the missing link that can unlock unparalleled growth for your coaching business.


STOP running on the treadmill and learn to create your own runway to take-off

Join Me for An Intense 3-Hour Workshop

Transform Your Coaching Business

In Just 3 hours, You Will Learn


The Hidden Psychology Behind 'Buyer’s Joy'

Unearth the covert triggers that turn skeptics into eager clients, making each sale feel like their idea.


The Sales Funnel Illusion

Discover why most sales funnels fail and the revolutionary strategy that guarantees a flood of loyal customers.


The Lead Magnet Myth Busted

Expose the truth about creating irresistible lead magnets that actually convert, not just clutter inboxes.


The Pricing Paradox

Learn the counterintuitive pricing strategies that make clients gladly pay more for your coaching services.


The Authority Activation Formula

Activate your inner authority to sell without selling, transforming every interaction into an opportunity for growth.

Sneak-Peek Into The  3-Hour Workshop

+ 30-minute Open House Q&A
  • PART I

    Unlock Your Business’s True Potential

    Start the workshop by identifying your unique value proposition and how to leverage it. You'll refine your coaching identity to stand out in a crowded market.

    Master the Art of Authentic Selling

    Dive deep into the psychology of selling without feeling 'salesy'. Learn techniques that feel natural and build trust, turning conversations into conversions.


    Develop Your Signature Coaching Program

    No more guesswork. We'll walk you through designing a compelling coaching program that sells itself. By the end of the workshop, you'll have the blueprint of your high-ticket offer ready to launch.


    Master Digital Strategies for Unstoppable Growth

    Simplify the tricky world of ‘Sales Funnel’ and learn how to go from generating leads to bringing cash in the bank.

    Craft Your S.C.A.L.E. Plan

    Implement the S.C.A.L.E. model into a personalized action plan. You'll leave the workshop not just with ideas, but with a clear, actionable strategy to grow your business.

  • NOTE: Live Implementation Sessions Roll up your sleeves for live sessions where you'll apply what you've learned in real-time. Get instant feedback and see immediate progress in developing your coaching business assets.

Get my 25+ years of closing multi-million $ deals & scaling businesses to 500cr

Your Takeaways

Come with an open mind, immerse yourself in the workshop and stay till the end to walk away with…

A Clear Coaching Business Model

No more ambiguity. You'll have a concrete business model that aligns with your goals and values.

A High-Ticket Offer Blueprint

Walk away with your high-ticket offer outlined, including pricing strategies and marketing angles.

A Personalized S.C.A.L.E. Strategy

Your own S.C.A.L.E. strategy to implement immediately, designed to grow your business sustainably.

Confidence in Selling

Transform how you view selling. Leave the workshop confident in your ability to sell authentically and effectively.
Worth ₹ 4999/-

BONUSES Only For First 50

The Ultimate Sales Conversation Guide

For Coaches & Consultants

Secret Techniques:

Read Your Client’s Mind & Forge Unbreakable Bonds


Master the Hidden Triggers:

Influence with Integrity and Skyrocket Your Conversions


First Contact Mastery:

Scripts That Open Hearts and Wallets


Conversations That Convert:

Crafting Engagements That Win Commitment, Anytime, Anywhere

Objection Overhaul:

Transform Doubts into Desires with Ease


The Elegant Close:

Seal the Deal Without Ever Pushing Hard



Know Your Mentor

During her 25+ years, she has mentored professionals globally & served many MNCs in various capacities across 5 continents, to help them in their journeys of business transformation & growth.

High-ticket Closer

Won Multiple Million $, GBP, Rs. Deals

Boardroom Navigator

Navigated boardrooms & CXOs to garner consensus, agreements & actions


Invited to & spoken at 5 TEDx Stages

Bestselling Author

The Changing Room, Finding Your G-Spot

…and I’m your regular girl-next-door. Just like you, I have lived a life full of roller-coaster emotions - from dreaming to become a sport star to singer, from being confused about what career to choose to changing careers mid-life, from mid-life crisis to taking risks, from losing everything - money, love, friends - to once again rising from the ashes…
But through it all, one thing has remained constant. My love for selling and my love affair with everything sales!
In my 20s I was known by many as the Million $ closer
In my 30s I was known as the maverick Business Leader
In my 40s I’m known as an Author, Thought-Leader, Coach & Entrepreneur
Whatever the title, if there is one thing I understand in life, it’s how to:
Craft, pitch & close million $ deals,
Teach, coach & mentor professionals
10X revenue, stack-up profits, and 3X your ROI & ROAS
…oh wait, that’s three things! Oops :)
As a Global Corporate Leader turned Entrepreneur turned Author-Speaker-Coach, I’ve worked with clients in almost every industry out there, but if there is one thing I love to do more than doing all of those things, it's helping others do it!
So, once again…Hi, this is Geetika and I’m on a mission to help you create, launch & scale your coaching business. Let me help you help others!
Cheers to creating value, wealth & wisdom…
Geetika Saigal

Still Not Sure? No Worries!

Our Guarantee

Get this amazing offer today for just Rs 97, and get a money – back guarantee. Join today, attend our workshop and if you don’t like it for any reason, simply send us an email and we’ll refund every penny – no questions asked!

I say this because I’ve done this for 25+ years! I’ve seen practically most industries, segments, regions; I’ve seen ups & downs; I’ve closed millions and lost crores; I’ve tried, tested and proven my methodologies and then, and only then, I have shared them with others like you so they can use them to grow faster, make fewer mistakes, fail fast, pivot even faster and go to bed richer & happier! Give me 4 hours and I will give you the max I can in your time invested.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will get an email right after you register. Do check the spam and promotions tab just in case it landed there. We will also set you a reminder via WhatsApp on the day of the workshop.
You will get the Bonus after you attend the workshop.
It is human nature that when we make a commitment (even if it's only ₹99), we will attend. Hence the nominal fee; otherwise the real value of the workshop is immense!
This is an LIVE workshop. So no recording will be provided. We urge you to be at your sharpest self and pay 100% attention! That is how your learning will be maximum.
This workshop is ideal for coaches, consultants, and anyone in the personal development or educational industry looking to enhance their sales skills. Whether you’re conducting one-on-one calls or leading webinars and group sessions, these strategies will elevate your ability to convert conversations into commitments.
You'll discover how to:
  • Build instant rapport with clients.
  • Master the art of persuasion ethically.
  • Create compelling calls to action.
  • Tailor your sales approach to both individual and group settings.
  • Overcome common objections seamlessly.
  • Transform your sales conversations across all platforms.
  • Create your Signature Coaching Program
  • Run a Profitable Sales Funnel
Not at all! This workshop is designed to benefit both novices and experienced professionals. We’ll cover fundamental principles as well as advanced strategies, providing value to attendees at any skill level.
"Conversations That Convert" is delivered entirely online. It will be a LIVE interactive session, with real-time Q&A opportunities, all accessible from the comfort of your home or office.
Damn! In case of unforeseen reasons, you are unable to attend, email to us at and we will move you to a session in the near future.